Weekly mindfulness exercise- “Mindful breath”

Setting reminders to pay attention to your breath.

Make a commitment to yourself that at certain times of the day you are going to bring your attention back to your breath, as much as possible. Breathing, of course, comes naturally and we are doing it constantly, but how often are we paying attention?

How to:
This depends on you, but some ideas; count (breath in for 3 counts, and out for 5), using a mantra/saying " I breath in calm, I breath out calm."

Set reminders for yourself and an intention for when you going to practice; alarm on your phone, post-it notes on your bathroom mirror, in your car, office, around your home. For example, "when I drive from home to work I am going to practice paying attention to my breath", or "each time my phone rings I am going to practice", or "when I make breakfast....". The most important thing is that you set reminders for yourself for something that you are already doing daily.

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