
Mindful Spectating

 Mindful Spectating The Super Bowl. Maybe you watched it, maybe you didn’t. If you watched it, what did you notice? Were you immersed? Were you thinking of other things? Were you thinking you should like it more or less than you do, and were therefore more absorbed in self-judgment than the game itself? If you…
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Riding the wave of emotion

Peeking under the bandage willfully, trying to speed up healing When it comes to bandages, there are two types of people. There are those who peek underneath the bandage every chance they get to see if the wound is healing, and there are those who leave it on as long as they can, only to…
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Strategies for Coping: Radical Acceptance

Strategies for coping: Radical Acceptance Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a holiday from work or school for some people, but it’s first and foremost a day of remembrance of a man who paid with his life for speaking his truth in the name of freedom. Listening to first-hand accounts from those who remember where…
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Weekly mindfulness exercise- “Mindful breath”

Setting reminders to pay attention to your breath. Practice: Make a commitment to yourself that at certain times of the day you are going to bring your attention back to your breath, as much as possible. Breathing, of course, comes naturally and we are doing it constantly, but how often are we paying attention? How…
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Coping through the holidays

Who hasn’t grinned with a clenched jaw through the holiday season? For some, Thanksgiving evokes joy and a time of coming together for celebration, yet for others, this and other holidays can be a time of great stress. Indeed, our attitude about the holidays that span the weeks between Thanksgiving and the New Year might…
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What is DBT? What is a dialectic?

  What is DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy)? What is a dialectic? DBT stands for Dialectical Behavior Therapy (we realize it’s a mouthful)….so let’s try to put words to help explain as it’s not something only for clinicians and therapists to “get.”   DBT is really about a way of life, a way of looking at and…
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